For those unhappy with excess fat under the chin, Kybella is a new injectable solution that can effectively reduce the fullness for a more contoured profile.

Having what is known as a “double chin” is an extremely common cosmetic concern. It can affect the entire facial aesthetic and tends to make people feel self-conscious about their appearance. While the problem can be due to lax skin or loose platysmal bands, a double chin can also be caused by excess fatty tissue. Although this has always been treated with surgery, like liposuction or a neck lift, we are pleased to offer the first and only non-surgical treatment of Kybella.

What Is Kybella?

This innovative injectable treatment is FDA-approved to reduce excess fat under the chin (also known as submental fullness). Kybella has been shown to create a more defined facial contour with an improved profile, eliminating the unwanted appearance of a double chin. The injectable is composed of deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body to break down dietary fat. It works by dissolving the targeted fat tissue, which is then removed through metabolic processes.

Kybella Benefits

Kybella is a great option for those unhappy with a double chin, and the treatment holds several advantages, including the following:

  • Reduction of fatty tissue under the chin
  • No need for surgery
  • Fast, in-office procedure
  • Long lasting, if not permanent, results

The Kybella Procedure

During the injectable treatment, our nurse injector will administer the formula with a very fine needle. She can numb the area prior to injection to minimize any discomfort. The entire process is relatively quick and is performed in-office for a convenient solution. Depending on the extent of the patient’s needs, the procedure should take no more than 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Most patients require a series of two to four injectable sessions to achieve optimal results.

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Recovery from Kybella

Downtime following a Kybella session is typically short. However, it is not uncommon to experience mild swelling, bruising, and numbness for the first couple of days, all of which are temporary and should quickly fade.

Dr. Sherick

Dr. Daniel Sherick

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Daniel Sherick is a board-certified plastic surgeon who excels at creating body transformations that are as unique as his patients. Whether performing breast surgery, tummy tucks, or mommy makeovers, he tailors each procedure to enhance natural beauty and restore confidence. Dr. Sherick’s skillful techniques are designed to rejuvenate and refresh, giving patients a natural, empowered look—never a "cookie-cutter" appearance. His patients appreciate his thoughtful approach, where their individual goals come first, resulting in outcomes that reflect their own beauty and strength rather than a Hollywood ideal.

Get to Know Dr. Sherick
Dr. Strong

Dr. Amy Strong, MD, PhD

Board-Eligible Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Amy Strong is a board-eligible plastic surgeon who takes a personalized, empathetic approach to enhancing natural beauty. As a woman, she deeply understands the unique desires of her patients, especially when it comes to creating harmonious, natural results that reflect their authentic selves. Dr. Strong fosters strong, trusting relationships with her patients, ensuring their goals are heard and respected. By focusing on open communication and collaboration, she creates a supportive environment that empowers patients throughout their transformative journey.

Get to Know Dr. Strong

Kybella Before-and-After Photos

Kybella before and after

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At Center for Plastic Surgery Ann Arbor, we look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Please request your consultation with our easy-to-use online form or call our office at (734) 712-2323 to schedule your visit.

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